"If you're living your life and you think to yourself, Ya know, I've got it pretty easy, then it's time to shoot a wedding. You'll experience stress at a level only radar operators monitoring North Korea ever achieve. A wedding ceremony happens once in a lifetime. There are no second takes, no room for mess-ups, no excuses." Scott Kelby was onto something when he started his wedding chapter in his The Digital Photography Book this way.
Because, well, it was a bit like that for me last Saturday.
Don't take me wrong, as always I had a blast and would do it again in the blink of an eye. The wedding was an intimate affair, simple, elegant and genuine. The couple was in turn romantic and playful, and Katrin's smile was enough to brighten up everyone's day. I thoroughly enjoyed being there.
However, the conditions were not exactly photography friendly, going from a dark church to a beach in full sun. So I crossed my fingers, closed my eyes (ok just one), and hoped for the best. Luckily, the Canon 5D mark II is pretty much a weapon of mass destruction and it helped me a lot along the way.
Now I think that a Bride who wears thongs on her wedding day is just really cool :)
I almost died (of joy) when I entered the Bride's room. I suspect she moved in this apartment just for the light in which her dress would be photographed on her wedding day.
One of the living room walls happened to be a giant mirror, just like that.
You just goota love the shoes the Groom's mother was wearing on the day!